Monday, October 11, 2010

Neptune Day

I am trying to catch up with our activities on the blog.  Coming soon are the Cape Town pictures.

Some days back, I think it was September 28th, we crossed the equator. There was a big ceremony which included jumping in the pool, coming out and kissing a dead fish held by fellow Life Long Learner Craig Irving.  Then down the gaunlet to kiss the ring of Neptune, Academic Dean David Geis, and the ring of his consort, Executive Dean Sue Weitz and then to be "knighted" with a large wooden sword.  Those more adventurous had their heads shaved.  Ken did everything but have his head shaved.  Grace took pictures. 

We crossed the equator at, of course, 0.0 degrees but we also crossed on the Meridian at 0.0 degrees.  This is most unusual to cross at 0.0 longitude and 0.0 latitude.  Quite exciting.  Our geographer friend and professor, Bob Smith, convinced the captain to go some 15 minutes west to cross at this juncture.

Ken Jumping into Pool

Tutus watching the festivities
 The archbishop did not jump in the pool or run the gaunlet but he did have his head shaved.  A great sport.

Student Kissing the Fish

Fellow LLLs Louisa, Suzanne & Jim

We have some 60 Life Long Learners aboard and in addition to our Extended Family we have made a host of new friends.

The Gaunlet

1 comment:

  1. I remember Neptune day very vividly and it was very similar - hiwever I dont remember nay sword or being knighted! We also had to crawl the gauntlet to kiss the fish and it was filled with old food that people smeared in our faces and on our bodies. Sounds awful but it was great fun!
    Love Karla
