Sunday, January 16, 2011


So, finally on December 3rd we arrived back on U. S. soil. We landed about 8:00 AM in Honolulu and parked our vessel in front of Aloha Tower. There was a market and many shops and restaurants right off the ship. Those Hawaiians know about marketing.

Honolulu and Hilo, Hawaii was our last stop before heading for disembarkation in San Diego.

Before reaching Hawaii we had the pleasure of celebrating Ann Clough's birthday in the Special Dining room on the ship.  This is where the very good food and drink happens.

Ken, Jack Clough, Ann Clough and Grace at Ann's birthday dinner

We met Ann and Jack when we boarded the ship in Halifax.  They were just in front of us hauling several large bags up to security to get on the vessel.  They were amazed we only had two carry ons with us.  We didn't divulge we had sent 6 large bags via UPS to the ship before flying to Halifax.  When they said, "We must have packed too much after looking at your luggage", then we had to fess up.

Before arriving in Hawaii the Choral Group performed in the Glazer Lounge - The student in front had a really beautiful voice.

That same evening we bid goodbye to 4 Lifelong Learners who had been with us the whole trip but would be flying home out of Honolulu and not going on to Hilo - Cooper Cox and Jodi Owens + John and Mary Ann Underwood

Aloha Tower across from our terminal in Honolulu

Coast Guard vessels across the harbor from our ship

Park across from our terminal in Honolulu
 The night of the first day we had dinner in a nice restaurant and the next morning we had breakfast in Don Ho's restaurant.  Eggs Benedict.  Yum.

Grace and Ken with their mimosas at Don Ho's
 The 2nd day we took a very long bus ride to Sunset Beach to view the sunset.  This is the area where all the surfers hang out waiting for the perfect wave.  That day the waters were calm and we did not see many surfers.
Sunset Beach
 From Honolulu we went on to Hilo -

We took a tour of the area around Hilo.  First stop Coconut Island.  This is where you see hundreds of very large turtles.  But we did not get any pictures of the turtles.

Grace on Coconut Island

Ken and Grace in the Japanese garden at Coconut Island
  We met a lovely student while in Cambodia, Cookie Echsner, who is from Florida
Ken, Alexandra "Cookie" Echsner and Grace on Ship
 We were walking down the main street in Hilo and saw Kim Moss and her 3 children having lunch in a very nice restaurant.  Later we went back and had lunch there.  Kathy Poole, the assistant executive dean joined us with a young lady who just came on the ship, who was with the State Department.
Kim Moss and her 3 kids in a restaurant in Hilo

Grace with the Kilauea Volcano in the background

Grace at Rainbow Falls
 We ended up the first night in Hilo at Cronies bar and watched a NFL game and had cheeseburgers with Jim Davidson, Don and Mary Kimmel, Marty and Ken Kurica, Tom Powell and Brett Chatelain.
Grace and Ken in Cronies Bar

The NFL group in Cronies Bar

Kamehameha the Great who brought all the Hawaiian Islands together under his rule

Vanessa, a student and model, showing off some of her purchases

Archbishop Desmond Tutu beating Ken at arm wrestling in the Glazer lounge the night before arrival in San Diego - Note Grace in the background

Grace at Sunrise as we approached San Diego
We can't say enough good things about UVA and Semester at Sea.  Everything was very well done - the courses, the professors, the kids, the crew, the staff. It was truly a trip of a life time.  Thanks to everyone who made our voyage so wonderful.

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