Thursday, September 9, 2010

Halifax to Cadiz

We arrived in Halifax late on the 24th of August. Had a good night’s sleep and got on the M/V Explorer a little after 10:00 AM. Got our room no. 5025, the same room that Louise and Ken Ross had in the Spring. Met most of the other Life Long Learners (LLLs) that evening. Executive Dean Sue Weitz and Academic Dean David Geis along with the LLLs coordinator welcomed us that evening.
The next morning the students arrived and checked in. A big process. There are some 60 LLLs and 570 students.

On August 27th we sailed out of Halifax. We took some pictures. One of the pilot boat and our ship sailing out, one of Gail Kylik (a LLL) and Jason Shah (a student at UNO) from Nepal. Note the runner’s T-shirt. Also, note the picture of Ken calling our daughter, Karla – Semester at Sea ’83 and ’84.

We passed the Azores on the 31st between 6:00 and 8:00 AM. And there is also a picture of one of the many beautiful sunsets we have had.

Grace is taking 5 courses and Ken is taking 3. Spanish is a real challenge for Ken.

The kids are incredibly brilliant. Lot’s of changes over the past 50 + years.

We are now in the harbor at Casablanca, Morocco.  Should post our trip into Spain tomorrow.


  1. what classes are you guys taking - please share more with us!
    Love Karla

  2. LOVE seeing you all is Spain and Casablanca ! I'm GREEN with envy.Love,Martha
