Sunday, November 14, 2010


Vietnam and Cambodia

We arrived in Ho Chi Minh City (alias Saigon) on Wednesday, November 3rd early in the morning and made contact with Margot Richart. This is Kathryn DeMontluzin’s daughter who had offered to take us around. Actually, Margot had offered to take us around Wednesday and planned a dinner for Saturday night. Also, she offered to put us up in the family guest bedroom on Saturday night and take care of us on Sunday, which was our last day in Vietnam. We had already made plans to be in Cambodia to see the temples of Siem Reap including Angkor Wat. We had booked the trip that Margot had advised us to take after looking at all the various Cambodia trips a few months back. She picked the best one. That side trip took 3 days starting on Thursday and returning by 3:30 PM on Saturday. At least that is the hour shown as our return on the Green Sheet. The Green sheet is the last word on when and where the side trips are happening. Sadly the hour got changed to a return at 9:00 PM so we missed the Saturday dinner with Margot and Philippe and their friends. But we did have a wonderful lunch and visit with Margot, Philippe and their two children, Etienne and Eloise, on Sunday. You may notice from the pictures that the whole family is beautiful.

This entry is for Vietnam only and includes 2 days – November 3rd and November 7th. The three days in Cambodia will be the next entry.

Margo picked us up with her driver, Bau, at around noon at the Sheraton.

At lunch with Margo at the Temple Club

This was a very nice restaurant.

Square across form the Rex Hotel with the statue of some important Vietnamese person in front of a government building.

And interesting fountain in Saigon

 The Rex Hotel is where the shuttle from the ship took you into the city of Saigon.

We went to the War Remnants Museum. This is the museum that the Vietnam government has put up to show the horrors of the war and the war is referred to as the American War. Of course, the victors always write history so it only shows the awful atrocities that the Americans did. There is nothing that shows the atrocities of the North Vietnamese. Anyhow, we don’t seem to have taken any pictures inside the museum.  The devastation of the Agent Orange was really bad. Don’t know how the Vietnamese like us so much but they seem to anyway.

War Remnants Museum

Dinner at La Carmargue Restaurant
We had a wonderful dinner. 

Then on Sunday we went to the Richart's home.  Really attractive home and antiques.

Etienne at lunch

Grace and Philippe at lunch at the Richart’s

Etienne studying in his bedroom

Eloise in the living room

Good Bye

Cambodia next

1 comment:

  1. Wow this is an incredible journey - Looks like your weather is much nicer than ours in Nashville. Definitely turning wintry here.
    Love you
