Friday, November 12, 2010


The next morning, October 24th, we took an early two-hour train ride to Agra. Anup was on the train with us so I did get his picture but we are still without a picture of Raga. We checked into the Hotel Mughal and then went to see the big deal, one of the seven wonders of the world, the Taj Mahal, built in 1630 AD. And it took 22 years to build. It is the tomb of the Queen to Shah Jehan, Mumtaz Mahal. There is a love story to beat all about the Shah and his queen. This guy got around. He built palaces, forts and every other kind of structure all over the place.

Grace and Anup Nair on the train to Agra. Anup
was leading a group of Florida International
University graduate students on a tour to Agra.

                                       Arrival at the Mughal Hotel

Off we went to the Taj Mahal.

Entrance gate to the Taj Mahal

Pretty Impressive, eh?

Even more so


You just can’t get enough of this fabulous building

We left the Taj Mahal to go to Agra Fort. Aagra Fort was built in 1565 AD by Akbar the Great. Actually Akbar means “The Great”, so it is The Great the Great.

Grace in front of the main entrance to Agra Fort

Shah Jehan, who built the Taj Mahal for his wife’s tomb died in Agra Fort as a prisoner of his son. His remains were placed next to his wife in the Taj Mahal.

Grace and our guide, Sunny, in front of another section of Agra Fort

View of the Taj Mahal from the Agra Fort

We went to Kohinoor Jewelers where we bought some trinkets.

Grace with some trinkets

So ended day three of our India adventure.

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